Aaware of EU data protection legislation and create the plan for GDPR compliance. if you are a data processor based in the EU or a nonEU data processor that processes personal data on behalf of EU data controllers that targets services to individuals in the EU or monitors the behavior of EU individuals assess whether The GDPR applies to your activities and creates the blueprint for GDPR compliance. if you are a multinational with EU and nonEU affiliates that will be covered by the GDPR you will also need to consider intragroup relationships how you position your group companies and how you structure your intragroup data transfers.
SOURCES General Data Protection Regulation Directive EC LEXOLOGY Country Email List PRIVACYLAWBLOG LEXOLOGY Case Google Spain and Google C Case Weltimmo C Leave a reply Your email address will not be published. Mandatory fields are marked with Comment Name Email Site web Save my name email and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Official Gazette no. of May Official Gazette minutes Official Gazette May Official Gazette no. of May Parliament of Romania Law on the ratification of the Agreement between Romania and the Peoples Republic of China for the elimination of double taxation with regard to income taxes and the prevention of tax evasion and tax avoidance signed in Bucharest on July No. of.
May Agreement between Romania and the Peoples Republic of China for the elimination of double taxation with regard to income taxes and the prevention of tax evasion and tax evasion No. from July The President of Romania Decree for the Agreement between Romania and the Peoples Republic of China for the elimination of double taxation with regard to income taxes and the prevention of fiscal evasion and tax avoidance signed in Bucharest on July.